Laboratory for a migratory plant 

LisboaSoa Artist Residence, Portugal.

For this project I worked reflecting on migratory processes of non-native species located in the cactus garden in the Estufa fría greenhouse of Lisbon, Portugal, in search of some species that had migrated forced by humans from South America.

Through a series of robotic hands, I set up a sound laboratory of gestures. A series of female plaster hands that constantly caressed the cactus from South America, taking caress as an essential gesture of our Latin American ancestors, our indigenous peoples or our grandmothers, a ritual-poetic gesture, accompanied by the sound of a female voice, a grandmother who recites and tells them about their ancestors and their healing and sacred powers to these plants from a poetic and critical point of view.

© 2022 Natacha Cabellos R. Valencia, 46020, España.
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